15.12.22, Rabat, Maroc. Conférence trimestrielle de Bank Al Maghrib

2015 was particularly marked with the passing of a new bank law which reinforced relevantly the supervision frame of the banking system and allow the emergence of new services and banking actors. In its last report on bank supervision, Bank Al-Maghrib retraces the main realizations and actions taken concerning bank control, prudential supervision and protection of clients of credit institutions.

Decline but resilient. These are two characteristics in the evolution of the Moroccan banks.
in its 12th edition of the annual report on bank supervision relative to 2015 financial year, Bank Al-Maghrib retraces the main realizations and actions taken concerning bank control, prudential supervision and protection of clients of credit institutions. It concerns also activity evolution and profitability of credit institutions as well as risks encountered. During 2015, a year characterized by limited growth of the non-agriculture GDP, bank loans to non-financial sector registered a deceleration progressing by only 0.8%. for consumers the loans continued to rise at a rhythm of 5.6%, those destined to enterprises registered for the first time in 15 years a decrease of 2% and this in lack of stopping of the macroeconomic imbalance and decrease in bank liquidity. Equally to this evolution of debt obligation of banks continued to rise at a slower rate, registering an increase rate of 9.2%. consequently, the risk rate was at 7.4%, against 6.9% a year earlier. On profits, the cumulated net results of banks, determined on social basis registered a decrease of 6.5%, suffering the effects of the deceleration of their loan activities, the fall in market activities results and high level of risk cost. On consolidated basis, this results improved by 5.5% at the favor of international activity contribution

Comforting solvency

On prudential balance, banks maintained satisfying solvency levels, with a mean equity capital ratio of the first category of 11.8% and a solvency ratio of 13.7%, determined according to Basel III rules and are in accordance to the new minimum liquidity ratio enacted on 1 July 2015. In this context, Bank Al-Maghrib, was attentive to the effects of the economic conjuncture on bank results and maintained a close surveillance of credit risk and concentration, while ensuring their cover by adequate provisions. The supervisions of activities operated by foreign banks remained equally at the center of its preoccupations.

BAM on all the fronts
The central bank focused on the elaboration of texts fixing the technical characteristics of participative financial products and started the application process for interested operators. It worked on a concentrated approach in putting in place accompanying measures necessary to favor the new financial industry. On the macro-prudential plan, the bank continued to reinforce in coordination with authority members of the coordination commission and systematic risk surveillance, the risk evaluation and analyses as well as the information base that underlie it. The Moroccan financial sector was subject to an evaluation in 2015 by FSAP (Financial Sector Assessment Program) conducted jointly by the IMF and World Bank. This exercise showed the resilience of the banking system through a number of scenarios of stress test and confirmed the progress realized on the prudential supervision, crises resolution and financial inclusion.


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